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These are simple pieces that can be used in a variety of ways from window tables to bed benches - a nice place to hold your slippers and an extra blanket overnight, as well as a great spot to plop down on as you don your shoes for the day.

Made from a variety of woods, I add a different aspect to each one ranging from unique joinery, shapes, and even slipper shelves.


A basic bed bench made of red oak, featuring dove tail joints on each end.  62" long  x 10-12" wide x 16" tall x 2" thick.   $500

This red oak bench features 2-piece mitered ends dovetailed into the top, with slipper shelves added for extra convenience. (although one observer noted that her cat would likely take them over... ;-)  ) 62" long x 15" wide x16" tall x 2" thick.  $700

A very unique piece of spalted american elm, with basic contact joinery (no mortice and tenon).

60" long x 13" wide x 16" tall x 1" thick. $375  SOLD

This very solid chunk of american elm has full mortise and tenon jopinery and hand cut bowties on each leg, with checks filled with black epoxy.

57" long x 15" wide x 18" tall x 2-3/8 thick.  $700

Another american elm bench with two-piece mitered legs with bow ties and box tail joinery, one of my personal favorites. $700

57" long x 14" wide x 15" wide x 2.5" thick

A nested or stacking pair of red oak benches, the shorter bench has american elm legs. The legs on each are joined with 45 degree miters with the body held by embedded lag screws.  $400 and $450 seperately, $800 as a pair.

43" long x 14" tall x 10" wide; 3 - 4.5" thick

53" long x 18.5" tall x 12" wide; 2 - 4" thick


A solid rustic pecan half-log bench bed paired with a pecan bed frame.  Not for sale.

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